SRES is excited to announce a new partnership with
St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance, which will provide non-perishable food to students at the end of each week to help supplement weekend meals at home.
Backpack Program will provide students and families with a variety nourishment, such as protein, grain, fruit, and vegetables. Please note:
The backpacks that students bring home will be discreet; additionally, backpacks may include foods with allergens, such as nuts, soy, wheat, eggs, and milk. If anyone in your family has an intolerance or allergy to the food provided, do not eat it. All food will be labeled and sealed by the manufacturer. St. Mary’s has purchased all food specifically for the Backpack Program (no food is donated).
The Backpack Program is optional; students may refuse the bag when it is offered, and it will be given to a different student. Due to limited supplies, students who refuse a bag may not be able to participate in the program at a future date.
SRES is grateful for this opportunity. For more information about the Backpack Program, please call the school at 480-362-2400,