Updated June 15, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Monday, June 13. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated June 13, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Thursday, June 9. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated May 11, 2022
We recently became aware of two individuals from Salt River Elementary School with test-confirmed cases of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, May 6. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated May 6, 2022
Beginning Monday, May 9, Salt River Schools, including all sites and programs, will be mask-optional. This is in compliance with Phase 4 of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s Return to Work Plan. Please continue to be vigilant about health and hygiene, and please keep students home if they are sick. Please also continue to inform your child’s school leaders if your student receives a test-positive case of COVID-19. Questions? Call 480-362-2500 or your child’s school.
Updated April 18, 2022
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community recently transitioned to Phase 4 of the Return to Work Plan. However, due to a slight increase in COVID-19 cases at Salt River Schools, the Education Division will continue to operate using the Phase 3.5 directives listed below until further notice. Please call 480-362-2500 with any questions.

Updated April 12, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, April 8. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated April 11, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, April 8. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated April 5, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, April 1. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated March 25, 2022
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community recently transitioned to Phase 3.5 of the Return to Work Plan, which is linked at the top of this page. Salt River Schools (ECEC, SRES, and ALA) also follows these directives; however, our procedures differ in small, but important ways. Please review the Salt River Schools-specific Phase 3.5 Directives. Please call 480-362-2500 with any questions.
Updated March 2, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Friday, Feb. 25. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated Feb. 28, 2022
We recently became aware of two individuals from Salt River Elementary School with test-confirmed cases of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Feb. 23, and Thursday, Feb. 24, respectively. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated Feb. 14, 2022
SRPMIC recently transitioned to Phase 2 of its Return to Work Plan. That means Salt River Schools, including Salt River Elementary School, will return to in-person/on-campus learning beginning Tuesday, Feb. 22 (Monday is Presidents Day, a holiday). A broadcast message went out to SRS families on 2/11/22. Click here to read the full announcement. Questions? Give SRES a call at 480-362-2400.
Updated Jan. 14, 2022
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community will return to a modified Phase 1.5 beginning Friday, January 14.
In Phase 1.5, our staff will work remotely and our buildings are not open to the public. However, Salt River Schools are here for you and will continue to provide virtual and drive-thru services! Click here to learn more about the Community’s Return to Work Plan and its phase system. Click here to view the modified Phase 1.5.
I don’t know how long this will last, but I will keep you informed as I learn more.
Please note:
- This transition will NOT affect virtual schooling for students; students will continue with their virtual school schedules until further notice. (Remember: Monday, Jan. 17, is a holiday.)
- The main line phone numbers for sites will be answered during business hours – give us a call!
- Education Administration: 480-362-2500
- Early Childhood Education Center: 480-362-2200
- Salt River Elementary School: 480-362-2400
- Accelerated Learning Academy: 480-362-2130
- Higher Education: 480-362-2547
- Students and families with a school-issued device can continue to call our IT Tech Helpline at 480-362-2088 or reach out to teachers/staff for help, as needed. Teachers and staff can be reached during business hours by email/work cell or via Teams and/or Class Dojo.
- Please continue to update your school if your child has a test-confirmed case of COVID-19.
Stay updated with all things Salt River Schools by checking our website and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube). I appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this transition.
Dr. Vicky Corlett
Interim Acting Superintendent
Salt River Schools
Updated Jan. 3, 2022
SRES will transition to virtual learning beginning Tuesday, Jan. 4.Click here to read the announcement from our Acting Interim Superintendent.
Students may pick up their learning materials and equipment on Tuesday, Jan. 4, anytime from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (or as scheduled with your child’s teacher).
- FACE-2nd Grade: Pick up virtual learning materials and equipment from the SRES front office along Center Street.
- 3rd-6th Grade: Pick up virtual learning materials and equipment from the bus bay area along Highland Avenue.
Questions? Call 480-362-2400.