Salt River Elementary School occupational therapist Kristina Hawkes put together this fun challenge for kids (it's based on the Instagram/TikTok challenge)! If you try it out at home, record a short video and tag us on the Salt River Schools official Facebook or Instagram pages!
How to play:
- Start by using your dominant hand (usually the hand you write or throw with).
- Go through each picture card in the linked PDF one at a time to warm up (there are 10 total hand gestures).
- Move on to the sequence of 3 and all the way up to 6.
- Once you’ve mastered the game with your dominant hand, try your non-dominant hand or even try it with both at the same time to work on bilateral coordination.
Skills Targeted: fine motor skills, motor planning, finger isolation, scanning
Key Terms:
- Fine motor skills: (dexterity) coordination between small muscles, like those of the hands and fingers, with the eyes
- Motor planning: the ability to conceive, plan, and carry out a skilled, non-habitual motor act in the correct sequence from beginning to end
- Finger Isolation: the ability to move each finger one at a time.
- (Visual) scanning: the ability to use vision to search in an organized and efficient manner, such as top to bottom and left to right
- Bilateral coordination: the ability to use both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner. This can mean using both sides to do the same thing