As educators, we recognize that students may need assistance at home to maintain their education. SRES teachers have been working hard to prepare learning opportunities for your children during our school closure. Make sure to check out the cool video announcements teachers are uploading for students!
In the meantime, you can view the homework assignments linked below and do the work on your own sheets of paper - OR - you can download and print the homework if you have a printer at home. Also, be sure to check out the weekly assignments from the Specials Classes!
Enrichment Packets for the final week of school (May 18-21) with ideas for use throughout the summer!
Don't see your grade's packet? Check with your child's teacher directly!
Homework Packets: Weeks of 5/11/20 & 5/18/20
Don't see your grade's packet? Check with your child's teacher directly!
Homework Packets: Weeks of 4/27/20 & 5/4/20
Homework Packets: Weeks of 4/13/20 & 4/20/20
Homework Packets: Week of 4/6/20
Families may come to Salt River Elementary School to pick up academic enrichment packets Friday, March 20, and Tuesday, March 24, at the front office (along Center Street) of SRES from 8 a.m. to noon for all K-6 students who attend SRES; some teachers made other arrangements with families for pick-up and you should go by what your teacher said. (Please note: This "homework" will not be graded or rewarded once complete - these packets are for the love of learning and to keep young minds active!)
These packets represent TWO WEEKS worth of work.
If our closure extends beyond March 31, you will be informed immediately and other arrangements for distance learning will be announced. If you have questions about the homework we're currently giving out or transportation to retrieve the packets is an issue, please call 480-577-4370.
Teachers will be checking in on their students periodically throughout the closure; if your student needs help, please email your teacher.
Thank you for your patience and support during these challenging times. Please know that we miss our students very much, and we wish you well now and always.
Dr. Amanda Guerrero
SRES Principal