Title I is a K-12 program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of socioeconomically disadvantaged children. The program is intended to help ensure that all students meet state academic standards.
Title I Goals
- Increase academic achievement
- Provide direct instructional support to students
- Provide professional development for teachers
- Promote parent education and involvement
The Title One Leadership Team provides parents/guardians with an opportunity to be involved in the academic program of the school. The Title One Leadership Team develops, monitors, and evaluates the School Improvement Plan (SIP) to implement programs and services that support students.
Parent/Guardian Rights
- Ask for meetings and trainings
- Review the results of annual parent satisfaction survey
- Review the school’s achievement data
- Review the goals in the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Ask to review the qualifications of a teacher or Paraprofessionals
- Review and modify the Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact