The Salt River Family Read-Aloud Challenge encourages families to read 25 books together now through Wednesday, May 4. Sign up today and we’ll give you a read-aloud family journal to record the books and stories your family shares.
Open to all SRPMIC Families! Prizes will be awarded to families that complete the challenge!
Sign up for the challenge and get your family reading journal: email [email protected] or call 480-362-2063.
Here are more details about the Salt River Family Read-Aloud Challenge:
- A reading challenge with a twist! Many families have a tradition of oral storytelling that is the foundation for sharing values, beliefs, and interests with each other. Reading books and telling stories both count in this challenge!
- You can start at any time and read any books or share any stories that you would like. There is no minimum book length. If you are reading a particularly long book, 50 pages counts as a full book. This way, one book may have more than one entry! Books read at school, as part of the curriculum, also count!
- Books and stories can be read together as a family or on your own. It's your choice!
- Track and record the books your family reads in your Read-Aloud Family Journal
- Date book/story read
- Title of book or story
- Author or storyteller, and
- A picture or sentence (or two) about your memory of this book/story.
- Prizes will be awarded to families that join the challenge and even more to families that complete the challenge! Send in your completed Read-Aloud Family Journal by video or email on or before May 4. More details on prizes and completing the challenge to come!
Where can you get 25 books to read?
- Salt River Elementary School Librarian [email protected], Accelerated Learning Academy Librarian [email protected], or your school’s library.
- The Salt River Tribal Library [email protected].
- Digital libraries, including books from Footsteps2Brilliance books, Scholastic’s BookFlix, MyOn Reading, and more! Contact [email protected] for more information.
- NYCP Literacy for All is distributes a great selection of cultural and age-appropriate books to families for FREE. Contact [email protected] for more information.
All SRPMIC COVID protocols will be followed for this challenge. For more information or to sign up, email [email protected] or call 480-362-2063.