Sign up for Salt River Jr. ACE!

The Salt River Jr. ACE Program is a collaborative effort between Scottsdale Community College and Salt River Schools. The Jr. ACE Program engages students in grades 5-8 grade with college-related activities during a two-week summer session offered at Scottsdale Community College.
Program Information
- Open to students currently in grades 5-8
- Program Dates: June 21-30
- Program Time: (8 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
- Program Location: Scottsdale Community College
Program Eligibility
- Students currently in Grades 5-8 must meet one of the following requirements:
- Be an enrolled member of SRPMIC, or
- Live in SRPMIC, or
- Attend Salt River Schools (SRES), or
- Be a returning participant or have a sibling in the program.
- Request and submit completed Jr. ACE Applications to the Salt River Schools or SCC contact listed below no later than Monday, May 23.
- Attend one of the mandatory Jr. ACE Student/Parent Orientation meeting options below:
- VIRTUAL OPTION: Thursday, June 2. This orientation will be held via Microsoft Teams. There will be three options to attend (choose one): 4PM | 5PM | 6PM
- IN-PERSON OPTION: Tuesday, June 7, at 5:30 p.m. at the SCC Indigenous Cultural Center, Room 222 (9000 E. Chaparral Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85256 - east campus).
Contact Information