Salt River Elementary School will offer a free, four-week pre-Kindergarten summer school program for students entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2022.
This in-person program begins Tuesday, May 31, and will end Friday, June 24, at SRES. The program runs weekdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is no program on the following days: Friday, June 10; Tuesday, June 14; or Monday, June 20. We will provide families with a full schedule upon acceptance.
The goal of this program is to introduce students and families to the new school environment. Students will participate in reading, writing, math, fine and gross motor skills, and art activities. They will also learn about school routines and participate in group activities that promote social interactions and introduce them to school readiness skills for kindergarten success. Students will be served breakfast and lunch at school. Students may also enjoy guest speaker presentations and/or possible field trips. Parent participation is encouraged through parent meetings and weekly make and take activities.
Completion of the SRES enrollment packet is required before we can consider you for our pre-K program (
click here to find the SRES New Student Enrollment forms). First priority will be given to students who have not received any early childhood services (preschool, child care, etc.). Second priority will be given to students who have received some early childhood services, but who have special needs that make transition services beneficial. We will accept no more than 10 students per classroom to adhere to social distancing protocols.
Students who are accepted into the pre-K program will be expected to follow all SRES rules and expectations, including attending school and arriving on time every day. Bus transportation is provided to students residing within SRPMIC boundaries. Students may be dropped from the program after two absences (excused/unexcused) or after three behavioral incidents.
This pre-K program is meant to support student transition to Kindergarten; participation in this program does not take the place of the 180 days required for students to pass Kindergarten. This program is funded by SRPMIC First Things First.
Questions? Call 480-362-2400.
Jennifer Tom
SRES Pre-K Summer School Coordinator
[email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: The program is contingent upon the Community being in Phase 1 or Phase 2 of the SRPMIC government reopening plan. You will be notified of any changes. Salt River Schools follows all SRPMIC health and safety protocols. We also ask families to self-monitor and keep their children home if their child has a fever.