In order to give your child the best learning climate possible, we will be practicing Conscious Discipline principles at Salt River Elementary School.
Conscious Discipline is about guiding students to be wise, adaptive, decision-making individuals. Using the knowledge of how human brains work transforms the way your child will learn.
The author of Conscious Discipline, Dr. Becky Bailey, states, “Adaptive decision-making demands children feel safe and connected enough to access the higher centers of their brains to determine the wisest action in each situation.”
She continues, “This is a complex process. It involves recognizing and interpreting a situation, assessing and valuing events and behaviors in terms of what is personally relevant, accessing a repertoire of skills and responses, and making a continuous series of small and large decisions with both short term and long term consequences. Conscious Discipline teaches everyone how to respond wisely to life events rather than react unconsciously from a set of pre-programmed skills that may or may not be effective or wise.”
As we transform our classrooms into our school family, your input is greatly appreciated and welcomed. Together, we can guide our children to become wise, adaptive, decision-making people.
The Classroom Agreement below is one step in transforming into a school family:
Our class will agree to:
- Help keep our classroom and school safe by:
- keeping our bodies to ourselves
- use helpful words
- treat others the way we want to be treated
- learn by:
- being attentive listeners
- following directions
- working quietly