Click here for information about the COVID-19 and other health and wellness procedures observed by Salt River Schools.
Updated May 5, 2023
The safety and welfare of students and staff are the highest priority at Salt River Schools. At SRES, we practice safety drills throughout the year to help us prepare for real emergency situations.
This afternoon (5/5), our school practiced a lockdown drill led by our Safe Schools & Security Team, in partnership with the Salt River Police Department. The school conducts four lockdown drills every school year, or as needed. Our drills are not pre-announced. This type of drill secures the school building and safely shelters all students, staff and visitors inside the building.
The purpose of this drill is to ensure that during a real emergency, students, staff and visitors are kept safe from any danger that may occur outside or inside the building. During a lockdown drill all perimeter doors to the school building are locked and remain locked until the danger or issue outside or inside the building is removed. To ensure everyone remains safe, no one will be allowed to enter the building or leave the building until school and law enforcement officials authorize such a release.
Our school has worked closely with local authorities and representatives from U.S. Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to correctly develop and implement safety procedures. The goal of practicing emergency drills throughout the school year is to improve our ability to protect students, save lives and reduce injuries. These practice drills allow us to evaluate our emergency operation plans and improve our response skills. Click here to learn more about the safety drills and procedures at Salt River Schools.
We are pleased with the outcome of today’s drills and feel reassured that our safety plans can be implemented effectively by our staff.
Please note: During a real emergency, parents and emergency contacts of students will be notified during and after the event by Salt River Schools administrators through our notification system, which includes phone calls, texts and email, among other platforms. As such, it is important your contact information on file be current. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the SRES front office. It is important that parents and emergency contacts do not attempt to contact the school, teachers or students during an emergency as that could impact everyone’s safety.
Your student may tell you about today’s drill and we encourage you to talk with them about why it’s important and ask what they learned. Our goal, while practicing important safety procedures, is to be sure all students feel safe.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to call SRES at 480-362-2400.
Updated February 27, 2023
The safety and welfare of students and staff are the highest priority at Salt River Schools. At SRES, we practice safety drills throughout the year to help prepare staff and students for real emergency situations.
This afternoon, SRES practiced a lockdown drill led by our Safe Schools & Security Team, in partnership with the Salt River Police Department. The school conducts four lockdown drills every school year, or as needed. Our drills are not pre-announced. This type of drill secures the school building and safely shelters all students, staff and visitors inside the building.
The purpose of this drill is to ensure that during a real emergency, students, staff and visitors are kept safe from any danger that may occur outside or inside the building. During a lockdown drill all perimeter doors to the school building are locked and remain locked until the danger or issue outside or inside the building is removed. To ensure everyone remains safe, no one will be allowed to enter the building or leave the building until school and law enforcement officials authorize such a release.
Our school has worked closely with local authorities and representatives from U.S. Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to correctly develop and implement safety procedures. The goal of practicing emergency drills throughout the school year is to improve our ability to protect students, save lives and reduce injuries. These practice drills allow us to evaluate our emergency operation plans and improve our response skills. Click here to learn more about the safety drills and procedures at Salt River Schools.
We are pleased with the outcome of today’s drills and feel reassured that our safety plans can be implemented effectively by our staff.
Please note: During a real emergency, parents and emergency contacts of students will be notified during and after the event by Salt River Schools administrators through our notification system, which includes phone calls, texts and email, among other platforms.
It is important your contact information on file be current. If you need to update your contact information, please contact the school’s front office. It is important that parents and emergency contacts do not attempt to contact the school, teachers or students during an emergency as that could impact everyone’s safety.
Your student may tell you about today’s drill and it is important to talk with them about why drills are needed and ask what they learned. Our goal, while practicing important safety procedures, is to be sure all students feel safe.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to call the Safe Schools & Security team at 480-362-2500.
Dr. Emily Niu
Administrator for Compliance and Reporting
Updated February 1, 2023
I am so pleased to be back at school following my recent knee surgeries. I appreciate the well wishes I’ve received upon returning to this school I love so much! While I was on Leave, Dr. Emily Niu, Administrator of Compliance for the BIE, served as Interim Principal, in addition to her own job duties. I am so grateful for her leadership.
February will be a busy month. February 1 and 22 are Early Release days. SRES staff, however, will attend professional development opportunities in the writing process and a deep dive into the English Language Arts curriculum. Please be sure to arrange for your child to be picked up from school by noon on both these days.
In the classroom, teachers will administer two Common Formative Assessments in English and math to your child. These assessments focus on the standards most recently taught and provide teachers insight into what needs to be retaught and when teaching can move on from those lessons. In addition, students identified as English Language Learners will take the English proficiency assessment (WIDA) February 6-10.
World Read Aloud Day is Wednesday, Feb. 1. Our librarian, Mrs. Yurek, shared ideas on how teachers can prepare and celebrate with their students. There will be live read aloud events available during our school day. As part of the NYCP Literacy for All grant, each student will receive a copy of “Powwow Day,” by Cherokee author Traci Sorell. Mrs. Yurek reminds us that it is always wonderful to put books in students’ hands, so they can read and add to their growing bookshelf at home. World Read Aloud Day will also be the kick off for the Salt River Family Read-Aloud Challenge.
February is Digital Learning Month. February 23 is Digital Learning Day, which will highlight or ongoing efforts to engage students and empower educators through the effective use of digital tools. In particular, the day seeks to highlight and recognize the forward-thinking educators who use technology in innovative ways to strengthen students’ learning experiences. Our technology teacher, Keri Tuchawena, can’t wait to celebrate with students!
This winter has been especially cold. Please ensure your child is dressing appropriately for the weather; multiple light layers is recommended so they can remove a layer if they get too warm during the day. When it’s cold outside, it can get cold inside, as well. Our lost and found grows by heaps and bounds. One of the most “found” items are sweatshirts and coats. Please label clothing items (coats, gloves, hats, etc.) that your child brings to school, so we can easily return them. If your child is missing something, give us a call.
Kindergarten Roundup (enrollment) begins Tuesday, Feb. 7, from 1:30– 6 p.m. in our front office building. More information can be found on our website.
Lastly, I want to remind everyone how important it is for students to attend school daily, arrive on time, and remain focused. Our commitment to deliver the most effective instruction in a safe and caring environment and ensure all students achieve success remains our number one priority. Remember, attendance matters, and being at school every day makes a difference.
Have a GREAT month at SRES!
Amanda Guerrero, Ed.D.
[email protected]
Updated December 1, 2022
Ske:g Tas! I hope this message reaches you happy and well. I’m writing to address concerns regarding our parent pick-up line.
The pick-up line begins to form along Highland Avenue as early as 1:30 p.m., and with Eagle’s Club ending this Friday (12/2), we anticipate the line to be longer until our after school programming begins again next semester.
The pick-up line often blocks the driveways of our neighbors along Highland Avenue. Moving forward, we ask that if you’re waiting in the pick-up line you do your best to avoid blocking the residential driveways. We are working on placing signage to assist in this effort. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Other important reminders:
- As mentioned above, the last day of Eagle’s Club is Friday, Dec. 2. There will be no after school activities for the remainder of December. We will notify the Community when Eagle’s Club starts again in January.
- The Winter Ball is Thursday, Dec. 8, from 6–7:30 p.m. This event is open to all SRES students and their families. Tickets are $3 per person.
- The last day of the semester is Friday, Dec. 16. Winter Break officially starts on Monday, December 19-January 3. Students return to school on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023.
- Report cards will be mailed home during Winter Break.
Thank you for your time and attention to these notices. I am so grateful to our families for the work you do with your students each day. Thank you for reading to your child, assisting them with their homework, and getting them to school on time. Your support is a blessing and makes all the difference in the world.
Emily Niu
Acting SRES Principal
[email protected]
Updated November 28, 2022
Ske:g Tas! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and were able to relax and enjoy yourselves. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our Turkey Trot last Wednesday. It was a fun event, and the students had a great time.
This week, students will undergo NWEA benchmark testing. It is important that your child is in school to complete their benchmark tests, which will take place from 8:30–10:30 a.m. The schedule is as follows:
- Tuesday, 11/29 – Reading
- Wednesday, 11/30 – Math
- Thursday, 12/1 – Language
We use benchmark testing data to determine student academic growth. The data helps us measure how students are progressing toward their academic goals. We examine the strengths and weaknesses in student learning and identify areas where extra supports are needed. It also helps us design specialized instruction and set learning goals according to student needs. Please ensure your child is in attendance this week.
It is hard to believe that we are in the month of December. We are excited to wind down our first semester. Friday, Dec. 16, is the last day of the 2nd quarter. Report cards will be mailed home at that time. Our Winter Break is from December 19 – January 3. Students will report back to school on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.
The holidays are upon us, and it is a joyous time of year. Celebrating brings families together and creates communal bonds between people. I wish you all the joy and happiness the holidays bring. Please contact me at 480-362-2400 if you have any questions or concerns.
Emily Niu
Acting Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Updated October 24, 2022
There is a confirmed case of Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease at Salt River Elementary School. We want to inform you about this condition and the related exclusion and return-to-care practices at our facility. Without violating confidentiality, the facts you need to know about your child's possible exposure in this situation can be found by clicking here to read our full notice.
Updated October 10, 2022
I will be recovering from two total knee replacements now through the end of December. I am excited and will miss our school family. In my absence Emily Niu will act as SRES interim principal; she is our Administrator for Compliance and Reporting, and I have every confidence in her ability to lead. I encourage you to reach out to her to see how you might help. I plan to return in January 2023 with my ‘magic legs.’ Click here to read more of Dr. Guerrero's letter in the October Newsletter.
Wishing You Well!
Amanda Guerrero, Ed. D
Updated August 17, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Monday, Aug. 15. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated August 11, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Monday, Aug. 8. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to ECEC families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated August 4, 2022
We recently became aware of another individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Thursday, Aug. 4. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated August 4, 2022
We recently became aware of an individual from Salt River Elementary School with a test-confirmed case of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Wednesday, Aug. 3. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated August 3, 2022
We recently became aware of two individuals from Salt River Elementary School with test-confirmed cases of COVID-19. They were last at SRES on Tuesday, Aug. 2. Due to federal privacy laws, we are unable to share any personal identifying information about who has tested positive. Click here to read the full message, which was also sent as a broadcast to SRES families via SchoolMessenger.
Updated Aug. 2, 2022
Thank you for your patience as we persevered through our first drop-off and dismissal yesterday. Lines were long, it was hot, and there was some confusion regarding student transportation to and from school. I apologize for any confusion or frustration your family may have experienced. With the reminders below, SRES hopes student drop-off and dismissal is much smoother for everyone moving forward.
Student Drop-Off: In the morning, from 7:15–7:45 a.m., student drop-off is in the parking lot at the back of the school through the gate off Highland Avenue. If you are bringing students to the front of the school after 7:45 a.m., you must park and walk your child into the front office (entrance off Center Street). Before 7:45 a.m., this area is not to be used as student drop-off. There are several VISITOR spots for those who need to park to do business in the front office.
Student Dismissal: The gate off Highland Avenue opens at 2:30 p.m. SRES dismisses students at 2:45 p.m. at the end of our instructional day and not before this time. At 2:45 p.m. we will begin calling for students as we see their rides enter the parking lot. Thank you for persevering through the pick-up line yesterday. We anticipate the process will be easier as the week goes on. Students who ride the bus home must have all their transportation forms filled out before they can utilize those services. The Salt River Schools Transportation team will send an updated list of bus riders to the school, which will help alleviate some of the confusion experienced yesterday.
Change in Pick-Up Routine: If your child has an afternoon appointment, please pick them up before 2:15 p.m. The SRES front office is unable to dismiss students between 2:16–2:45 p.m. In addition, if you need to change the pick-up routine for your student, you must notify our front office before 1:45 p.m. on a regular day and before 11 a.m. on Early Release days. This gives us enough time to inform teachers and other staff of the changes.
If you have any questions about this, please call SRES at 480-362-2400.
Thank you,
Dr. Amanda Guerrero
SRES Principal