Welcome to the Salt River Elementary School Family! The Jumpstart Kindergarten Program is here to help your family and child get a “JUMPSTART” to the kindergarten learning environment.
With Jumpstart, your child will be introduced to the kindergarten experience through a variety of learning activities, such as guest speaker presentations and a field trip. All Jumpstart students will receive free breakfast and lunch daily and bus transportation is available for students residing within the SRPMIC boundaries.
This exciting, two-week program will be held Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to noon, July 16-26. Attendance is very important and all students are expected to be on time and present each day. Students risk being dropped after three absences (excused/unexcused) or after three behavioral incidents.
Students will be expected to follow the expectations and rules of Salt River Elementary School; the Student/Parent Handbook can be found at SRES.SRPMIC-ED.ORG. Please note: Participation in the Jumpstart program does not count toward the 180-day requirement for kindergarten instruction.
To be considered for the Jumpstart Kindergarten Program, please complete the Summer 2018 Jumpstart Kindergarten Student Application Form attached to this letter. Then, submit your application to the Salt River Elementary Front Office prior to July 12. This program is funded by Title I.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call SRES at (480) 362-2400.
Download the Summer 2018 Jumpstart Kindergarten Student Application Form!